The Oboe, an instrument that speaks.
Music entered my life when I was just 8 years old and I began studying oboe in the music school of my hometown, Spoleto. When I heard for the first time the peculiar sound of the oboe I immediately decided that that instrument was going to be my new voice.
Such a warm and melanconic sound, but at the same time funny and full of energy. It took me some years and lots of hours spent practicing oboe and making reeds, but in the end a managed to obtain that sound that I was aiming to. Thanks to the double reed and oboist has full control over the several colors and shadings that the instrument can produce and this makes the oboe an incredible retorical instrument. An oboe is a wonderful storyteller that doesn’t need words, it transmits stories, emotions and feelings directly to the soul. That is the power of the oboe, moving people’s heart, and that is why I decided to become professional oboist.
I would like to thank the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and the Stichting Eigen Muziekinstrument for their support and help in buying my new oboe d’amore Bulgheroni.
When I’m not playing I love to spend time with my family, we like to travel and see new places, and I enjoy practicing athletics, in particular pole vaulting.